Young woman working on the beach
1 Do not purchase travel insurance
The tendency to go beyond those boring pages that, during online bookings, remind you of possible delays, cancellations, accidents or accidents, is a very strong temptation. Nothing could be more wrong, the expert warns. Do not take out travel insurance to save a few tens of euros could ruin an otherwise perfect holiday, turn a period of relaxation in the most stressful days of your life, or worse, blow up the projects of months. Even if you do not use it (hopefully), your travel insurance should also include health insurance to feel safe even in a foreign country and get rid of a lot of worries.
North Rim, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, USA (MR)
2 Enjoy the moment..no technology
It is not necessary to take pictures every two seconds. It’s true: the view is breathtaking, the beautiful spectacle of the sunlight reflected on the crystal waves, or the skyliner that stands out against the sky, recalling a modern tower of Babel, but no … once again resist: photographing and immediately sharing is not the priority. Take all the time necessary to enjoy the scenery, to breathe deeply the exotic scents, the sea breeze, or the silence of a forest and also, why not ?, the frenzy of a metropolis teeming with life. In short, do what you can not do in your everyday life because you are oppressed by the deadlines: stop. Try to impress the sense of a different world in your memory, not just in your cell phone memory,
Taxi boat in Krabi, Thailand
3 Walk, walk, walk ..
You have set some stops to visit absolutely, consulting hundreds of travel sites, collecting tips of places to see and browsing various tourist guides but, guess what, according to the expert, the best guide is simply walking. Rather than taking the vehicles or taxis, to discover and get closer to the local life, one must also explore taking the pleasure of getting lost. You will discover those little pearls outside the tourist circuit, but that will allow you to immerse yourself in the life of the place and to surprise you.
Narrow street in Fez, Morocco.
4 Prohibition to work (or almost)
Is it a holiday? Well, by definition, imposes complete freedom from everything that could be listed under the work label. So forget emails, deadlines and, unless you are a parent (yes, this is a full-time job without part time or vacation), for a weekend your colleagues or clients will be able to do without you, the office it will not fall apart, the collapsed bags will be resolved and your place will be there waiting for you the following week.
But since we are human beings, and moreover, in a modern world, we do not pretend we can do without technology. We are rather looking for a middle ground by establishing an hour a day of connection. The expert explains that when she takes a little vacation she defines an hour of “connected time” from the beginning to be able to relax without too much guilt.